Our Members

Locals who help each other

Our members are the amazing people who reach out for help on Good Karma Networks and those who respond to their requests. All members of a local community are welcome to join their local Good Karma Network so they can work with us to help neighbours help each other and contribute positively to each other's lives. 

As they join their relevant GKN, members are asked to read, understand and commit to the GKN community guidelines to ensure that all members are able to participate in a positive community experience. 

“Everyone is so welcoming and friendly! Even when there are times that others have different opinions, no one is nasty and will hear what they have to say and respond in a considerate and educational way.” - GKN Member

From our members:

  • "My GKN makes me feel enriched because of the generosity of members! They are amazing! Plus I love the success of local problem solving!"
  • "Everyone is just so darned lovely!"
  • "Members are super friendly and it makes you feel part of the community."
  • "People genuinely care and want to help each other, it's really lovely."

More contributors to the Good Karma Effect

Amy Churchouse

Founder and volunteer CEO
Amy Churchouse founded the Good Karma Effect in 2018 of to support the number of Good Karma Networks emerging and growing. 

Hugh Mackay

Social researcher, author and our Patron
Hugh Mackay is a social researcher and bestselling author of 19 books, including The Good Life, The Art of Belonging and Australia Reimagined, which features our Good Karma Networks.

Our Guardians

Facebook group administrators
Our Guardians (Facebook group administrators) support our members to facilitate positive outcomes on Good Karma Networks.

Good Karma Effect